Welcome to our online Divorce and Family Law Workshop.
Today’s video introduces you to our team at Rice Law, provides you with a tour of our office, and offers general advice on how to prepare for the days ahead. Once you’re done watching the video, get some rest—tomorrow we’re going to cover more substantive issues!
If you want to skip ahead, you can click on any of the links below. Also, don’t forget to Download Steps to Divorce
We work with a variety of mental health counselors who have experience working with families dealing with separation and divorce. Call us for a referral or to locate therapists outside of Wimington, call us for a recommendation or use TherapistLocater.
If you have not already done so, download our free eBook, Steps to Divorce. You should also begin collecting the records and taking the steps suggested therein.
You have already begun to keep your costs down. Clients who are educated are more prepared and save time and money. Read our blog for tips on reducing the costs of divorce.
The Short Answer is “No!” Read our opinion about handling your own divorce.
401 Chestnut Street, Suite G
Wilmington, NC 28401
910-762-3854 | 910-251-6346