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Note: Emailing, messaging, or calling does not constitute Attorney-Client Privilege. Attorney-Client Privilege can only be obtained by meeting with Rice Law attorneys and having a signed contract with Rice Law.
Read legal questions submitted anonymously to Rice Law. Select the category of interest to read the questions and our answers.
Includes questions about legal separation, reconciliation, foreign divorce, military divorce, and separation papers.
Includes questions about real and personal property including pensions and 401(k).
Includes questions about alienation of affections and criminal conversation.
Read questions about child custody, child support, termination of parental rights & adoption, and Department of Social Services (DSS) legal issues—and answers from Rice Law.
DVPO, 50B, 50C, Restraining Orders
Note: Emailing, messaging, or calling does not constitute Attorney-Client Privilege. Attorney-Client Privilege can only be obtained by meeting with Rice Law attorneys and having a signed contract with Rice Law.
401 Chestnut Street, Suite G
Wilmington, NC 28401
910-762-3854 | 910-251-6346